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Happy Mathematics New Year

 *2021 is an interesting year for all mathematics lovers*

1. 2021 is a product of two prime numbers 43 and 47.

2. Interestingly it can be expressed as (a+b) x (a-b) means (45+2) x (45-2)

3. For many 2020 was a partner in crime. But 2021 appears to have a partner in prime! 

4. The year 2021 is both the concatenation of consecutive integers (20,21) and the product of two consecutive primes (43×47).

5. Also, multiplying 2021 by its reverse (1202) is palindrome (2021×1202=2429242)


2021 has the rare property of being a product of two consecutive primes: 2021=43*47.

Last time this happened, in 1763=41*43, the paper "An Essay towards solving a Problem in the Doctrine of Chances" was published posthumously by one Thomas Bayes, introducing what is now the Bayes' Theorem of conditional probabilities. We use it to analyze statistical data, design experiments and ultimately answer questions such as "is vaccine X better than placebo?".

In 1517=37*41 Martin Luther allegedly vandalized the door of the church in Wittenberg by posting his 95=5*19 theses.

1147=31*37 is the year when a minor town called Moscow was mentioned for the first time in a written document.

Nothing very special happened in 899=29*31 because everyone was busy contemplating how cool it is that the previous such year 667=23*29 was exactly two-thirds way into the millennium.

And so on... What about the future? Well, 2491=47*53 lies beyond even the timeline of Star Trek, so no reliable records are available. All we have is the 1979 sci-fi film "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century" whose plot takes place exactly in 2491.

Happy 43*47.

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